Monday, May 23, 2011

May 16 – 18, 2011 marked the 8th annual MISRGO Clearing the Air in Communities of Color Conference – another year of successfully advocating anti-tobacco lives in the state of Arkansas. The Conference kicked off May 16th with the first-ever pre-conference workshop facilitated by Dr. Jeannette Noltenius of the National Latino Tobacco Control Network (NLTCN). The workshop was hosted to speak specifically to the Hispanic/Latino community of Arkansas and share best practices and insights regarding tobacco control amongst this growing population. Several leaders within the Hispanic/Latino community were in attendance and actively participated in the discussion about the ills of tobacco consumption and increasing such knowledge across the state.

The following day, May 17th, was the adult day of the Conference. A variety of anti-tobacco advocates shared stories of their experience within the tobacco industry and how they too seek to change consumption behavior within minority communities. Guest speakers for this day included Dr. Alan Blum, University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society; Dr. Jeannette Noltenius, National Latino Tobacco Control Network; Reverend Elaine Walters, National African-American Tobacco Education Network; and Ms. Joyce Raynor, Women’s Council on African American Affairs. The presentations and information shared with attendees were extremely informative and well-received. To further demonstrate support for the Conference and the anti-tobacco initiatives taking placing in Pine Bluff, the Pine Bluff Commercial developed a full-page cover story about the success of the Conference. Wonderful support from our local media partners!

The last day of the Conference, May 18th, was the youth day, which featured interactive presentations and activities facilitated by Ms. Keisha Grigsby, a tobacco cessation interventionist. The youth day was capped by a smoke-free rap contest in which several of the student attendees participated. The rap contest was hosted by the YES Team and three prizes were given to the selected winners. The youth appeared to greatly enjoy the event. MISRGO looks forward to an even bigger and better Conference next year!

1 comment:

  1. World Anti Tobacco Day will be observed on 31st May 2011.Join our campaign to quit smoking and help others to quit hare and post your views on Anti Tobacco Day
